The recovery of the automobile market in Algeria

The recovery of the automobile market in Algeria

After several years of freezing, the car market in Algeria is finally experiencing an outcome. Indeed, the Algerian government has given the green light to the relevant ministries to revive the automotive activity. Several areas are targeted, namely the resumption of the importation of new vehicles, the revival and the concretization of an automobile production industry and finally allowing citizens to import used vehicles of less than three years old from abroad.  

Indeed, the specifications related to manufacturers and car dealers was published in 2022. The will of Algeria to concretize the bases of a real automobile production industry is clearly displayed through them. To achieve this, the Algerian state intends to provide support for the import and assembly of vehicles in a first phase, before moving on to manufacturing and this within a period that should not exceed five years.  

In the field, things are changing. Following this publication, several operators submitted a file to obtain approval to import new vehicles. The assembly plants already present on the territory are preparing for the resumption of their activities ; new memorandums of understanding with global car manufacturers are also announced, such as the agreement signed with Stellantis for the local production of FIAT vehicles. 

Solware Auto and its Algerian subsidiary have been supporting the changes and mutations experienced by the automotive distribution market in Algeria for more than 15 years. Our local and remote teams continue to provide the necessary services to ensure that our customers operate optimally with our solutions on the territory. Today, Solware Auto is working to consolidate its leading position in the DMS/IMS market in Algeria, thanks to a portfolio of innovative solutions, which allows us to respond effectively to the current business requirements. 

Discover our incadea.DMS and winmotor next solutions and do not hesitate to contact us for more information.